SuperFolder Central Wiki

Iron Fold is the puppet of Clark Largent, the titular puppet in The Invincible Iron Fold the first main origami puppet of the MOU. It was originally created by Clark Largent with help from Robby Boone; however, the originally puppet was destroyed in The Imperfect Iron Fold. A new puppet has since been folded.

Mark 1[]

The original Iron Fold was created in The Invincible Iron Fold by Clark Largent and Robby Boone, on orders from Trent Adams. It was designed to look like the Iron Man Mark 50 Nanosuit from Avengers: Infinity War. As such, it was red with yellow and blue detailing.


Iron Fold Mark 1

Iron Fold Mark 1 also assisted in the creation of Andy Gardner's Captain Americut. During The OrigAvengers, Clark rips a piece of red paper off of Iron Fold's back for Americut to use as a shield.

Infinity War Model Prime

Iron Man Mark 50, the Mark 1's inspiration.

Iron Fold Mark 1 appears in The Invincible Iron Fold, The OrigAvengers, and The Imperfect Iron Fold.

Mark 2[]

After Iron Fold Mark 1 is destroyed by Jameson Brawner, Clark folds a new version, once again assisted by Robby. This version is based on the Endo-Sym armor from Marvel Comics. It is white with black and blue detailing, drawn with a sharpie given to Clark by Mr. Rainey. It is Clark's current puppet.


The Endo-Sym, the Mark 2's inspiration.

Iron Fold Mark 2 appears in The Imperfect Iron Fold.

Iron Fold Mark 2 is destroyed in T.H.A.N.O.S and the Infinity Folds
