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The story begins where the last one, The Beginning of the Origami Jedi Council left off. Tommy fills Jacob in about the General Creasous note, along with the Darth Yoda saga, seen in The Return of Darth Yoda. As they're talking, a group of quadruplets enter the classroom, named Curtis, Donny, Kyle, and Greg. These kids are allies with the Mcquarrie gang, and they wield four shadowtrooper puppets.

Donny was the leader, wielding Ironside. Kyle, agent-like in appearance, had Origami Scarface, Curtis had Knots, and Greg had Percy. Percy, being absurdly social and flirtatious, made Rhondella swoon. This makes Harvey jealous.

Kelln's chapter begins, noting the normalcy that started the dday. Remi texted him, however, saying that Tony D. Struction (of Boba Felt and Jango Fortune fame), had hired 5 people to do his dirty work. When five people surround him, Tommy, Sara, Harvey, and Jen, they call for the Shadow Squadron, who cuts the lights out and leaves the five hunters stranded. Following this, Harvey discusses how the next day at school, Tony D. Struction led an army of kids with a new Jango Fortune. Mcquarrie had swiftly become a battleground, "practically a re-enactment of the Battle of Geonosis!" The Shadow Squadron, in the midst of the chaos, had arrived. This gives Harvey enough time to escape to the library.

In the library now, a kid from the Fourth Grade was waiting for Tommy and Harvey. This kid is Harold Hummer. In his hand is Origami Count Dooku. During this encounter, Harvey quotes General Grievous, leading Tommy to be suspicious of Harvey. Harvey reveals his Darth Paper, proceeding to tear up Harold's Count Dooku puppet. The Shadow Squadron arrives and arrests Harold by the order of the Galactic Foldpublic.

The following day, Tony D. Struction was waiting for Sara, and proceeded to harass her. Bringing Backup of Zack Martin, the harrassment continues. Sara kicks tony, and Zack leaves to eat lunch. She tears up Tony's Jango puppet in front of him, and the bounty hunters were defeated again. The principal resigns, leading to a new principal: Mrs. Yavada.

The story ends with another note from General Creasous:

"Well done, all of you. You’ve proven to me that your talents can overcome large obstacles. But can you overcome a teacher who hates origami? Go check out Mr. MacDonald. He’ll be an interesting obstacle for you. I can’t wait to see how you handle it, Tommy. You are a bold one…"
